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GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE - Last update: January 1, 2023

The purpose of these conditions is to set the terms under which LOLIDOU sells 18 or 24 carat gold-plated designer jewelry to its customers (hereinafter referred to as "the Product(s)") through the website www. (the “Site”).

LOLIDOU company (SARL) with a capital of 1000 €uros, registered in the Cherbourg Trade and Companies Register under number 90055280300018 and whose registered office is 26 rue du Port in Barfleur (50760), represented by Mrs. BITI Nora duly authorized. Phone 0623304529; Email: (hereinafter “Lolidou”). The Operator's individual VAT number is: FR65900552803. The publication director of the Site is: Nora BITI.

The Site is hosted by Wix, Wix Online platform Limited, located at 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland.

The acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale ("GTC") implies the Customer's full and unreserved acceptance of these GTC.

All orders on the Site are subject to these T&Cs. These are subject to change and updates; the conditions applicable to the order of a Product by a Customer are those in force on the day of the order. The GCS are made available to customers on the Site where they can be directly consulted and can also be communicated to them on simple request by any means.


These T&Cs exclusively govern the sales made by LOLIDOU of the Products offered to buyers who are consumers (hereinafter the "Customer(s)) on the Site and specify the conditions for ordering, payment, delivery and management of possible returns of products ordered by Customers.

The GCS are enforceable against the Customer who declares to have read them and to have accepted them by ticking the box "I accept the General Conditions of Sale" before the implementation of the online ordering procedure.



The Customer of the Site must be a consumer, an adult natural person and legally capable. The Customer must, during his first order on the Site, open a customer account. For each order, the Customer must complete an order form specifying certain mandatory fields so that his order of Products can be taken into account by LOLIDOU.

The information communicated to LOLIDOU within the framework of the opening of its customer account and during each of its orders must be complete, exact and up to date.

LOLIDOU reserves the right not to follow up on an order if it does not come from a customer who meets the criteria set out above.



The essential characteristics of the Products are presented on the Site within each of the product sheets. If the customer has any questions, he can contact LOLIDOU by email at the address:



To place an order, the following steps must be followed:

  • the Customer browses the Site and adds the Product to his basket, specifying the quantity;

  • the Customer verifies the nature of the Products added to the basket;

  • to delete an article, the Customer must click on the cross located to the right of the price and to change the number of articles, modify the quantity and click on “Update”;

  • the Customer can then finalize his order or choose to continue his purchases;

  • To conclude the purchase contract and finalize the order, the Customer completes the order form and indicates the personal data necessary for the order;

  • the Customer must choose his delivery method;

  • the Customer must choose his method of payment;

  • it is up to the Customer to check the details of the order and in particular the total price of his order taking into account the price of the Products, the terms and delivery costs, the VAT, the Product in particular in terms of quantity;

  • the Customer must read and accept the T&Cs;

  • The Customer makes the payment.

The prices of the products are indicated on the Site in euros, including VAT, but excluding customs fees and other taxes.
Customs charges and other taxes must be paid by the Customer directly to the carrier depending on the country of destination.

It is the Customer's responsibility to verify the accuracy of the information he communicates.

LOLIDOU reserves the right to refuse, cancel and terminate orders at any time for legitimate and legal reasons.

LOLIDOU will also be entitled to refuse any order placed by a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order as well as any order that does not comply with these GCS.

In these cases,   LOLIDOU will inform the Customer by telephone or by e-mail.

In the event that the Products presented on the Site are no longer available or for sale at the time of sending your order, LOLIDOU must inform you promptly, and in any case, before thirty working days from the day following your order , the possible unavailability of the products ordered. In the event of payment of the price, LOLIDOU will reimburse you in full for the sums advanced for the unavailable Products.

The contract is deemed concluded upon receipt by LOLIDOU of the order after verification by LOLIDOU of the accuracy of the data relating to the order.

After validation of your order, a notice of receipt will be sent by email to the Customer, containing a summary of the information of the order (essential characteristics of the product, price, means of payment, right of withdrawal, delivery times and costs).



The Site offers payment by credit card. When the order is finalized, LOLIDOU confirms the payment by sending the Customer a summary email.

The prices displayed on the site are expressed in euros, all taxes included (French VAT and other taxes applicable on the day of the order). Packaging, order processing and shipping costs are indicated before validation of the order.

LOLIDOU may change the prices of the Products at any time and without notice, in particular due to changes in the economic, legislative and tax framework. The Products are invoiced on the basis of the price in force when the Customer places an order.

The Products remain the full property of the LOLIDOU company until full payment of the price of each order by LOLIDOU.

Payment for purchases is made via the secure platform of our partner Crédit Industriel et Commercial.

For delivery outside the European Union, the Customer must pay customs duties or other taxes due when the products are imported into the country of the place of delivery. The related formalities are also the sole responsibility of the Client. The Customer is solely responsible for checking the possibilities of importing the Products ordered with regard to the rights of the territory of the country of delivery.



The Products are delivered to the delivery address indicated on the order form.

The parcel is delivered according to the shipping method chosen by the Customer and is delivered to the recipient against signature of a delivery note (depending on the delivery method).

Products are delivered worldwide. No delivery can be made to a hotel or PO Box address.

LOLIDOU orders are processed within 7 to 10 working days. However, during busy periods, LOLIDOU   reserves the right to extend the shipping time.

What are the delivery times ?

From the dispatch of the order, the average delivery times are as follows: 2 to 5 working days in Standard via Colissimo for France; 5 to 10 working days by international Colissimo.

If LOLIDOU fails to be able to deliver on the date indicated or within the period indicated when ordering, the Customer will have the possibility of obtaining the cancellation of the order under the conditions provided for in article L 216-2 of the Code of consumption, that is to say by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, after having ordered LOLIDOU to make the delivery within a reasonable time by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, without LOLIDOU having performed.



Upon receipt of the Product, the Customer must immediately check, in the presence of the carrier, the condition of the packaging and of the Product delivered.

If, at the time of delivery, the packaging is damaged, torn or opened, the Customer must then check the condition of the Products it contains. If these Products have been damaged, the Customer must imperatively refuse the package and note a reservation on the delivery note: damage, missing item, damaged package, broken item, etc. This verification is deemed to have been carried out when the Customer, or a person authorized by him, has signed the delivery note.

The Customer must then confirm his reservations to the carrier by registered letter no later than three days, not including public holidays, following that of receipt of the Products and send a copy of this letter to LOLIDOU.

Non-compliance with the said deadline does not hinder the recourse that the Customer may have against LOLIDOU to obtain the exchange or reimbursement of the Products in the event of damage or anomaly of the Product at the time of its delivery. Similarly, the Customer always benefits from his right of withdrawal under the conditions of article 9 above.



For any request relating to commercial and legal guarantees, please contact:

LOLIDOU, Customer Service, 26 rue du Port in Barfleur (50760) – Telephone 0623304529 (cost of a local call in mainland France, indicative rate from a landline, subject to change depending on the operator) – email: hello@lolidou .com


Unless he is a legal person or a natural person acting for purposes falling within the scope of his commercial, industrial, craft or liberal activity, the Customer benefits from the legal guarantees on the basis of which he can act. LOLIDOU is thus liable for defects of conformity and hidden defects under the conditions provided for respectively by articles L 217-4 and following of the Consumer Code and 1641 and following of the Civil Code.

Article L 217-4 of the Consumer Code: The seller is required to deliver goods that comply with the contract and is liable for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. He is also liable for any lack of conformity resulting from the packaging, the assembly instructions or the installation when this has been charged to him by the contract or has been carried out under his responsibility.

Article L 217-5 of the Consumer Code: To comply with the contract, the good must: 1° Be suitable for the use usually expected of a similar good and, where applicable: – correspond to the description given by the seller and possess the qualities that the latter has presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model; – present the qualities that a buyer can legitimately expect given the public statements made by the seller, the producer or his representative, in particular in advertising or labelling; 2° Or present the characteristics defined by mutual agreement by the parties or be suitable for any special use sought by the buyer, brought to the seller's attention and which the latter has accepted.

Article L 217-7 of the Consumer Code: Lack of conformity which appears within twenty-four months from delivery of the goods is presumed to exist at the time of delivery, unless proven otherwise. For goods sold second-hand, this period is set at six months. The seller can challenge this presumption if it is not compatible with the nature of the goods or the lack of conformity invoked.

Article L 217-9 of the Consumer Code: In the event of a lack of conformity, the buyer chooses between the repair and the replacement of the good. However, the seller may not proceed according to the choice of the buyer if this choice entails a manifestly disproportionate cost with regard to the other method, taking into account the value of the good or the importance of the defect. He is then required to proceed, unless this is impossible, according to the method not chosen by the buyer.

Article L 217-10 of the Consumer Code: If the repair and replacement of the goods are impossible, the buyer can return the goods and have the price refunded or keep the goods and have part of the price refunded. The same option is open to him: 1° If the solution requested, proposed or agreed pursuant to Article L. 217-9 cannot be implemented within one month of the buyer's complaint; 2° Or if this solution cannot be without major inconvenience for him given the nature of the property and the use he is looking for. However, the resolution of the sale cannot be pronounced if the lack of conformity is minor.

Article L 217-11 of the Consumer Code: The application of the provisions of articles L. 217-9 and L. 217-10 takes place at no cost to the buyer. These same provisions do not preclude the award of damages.

Article L 217-12 of the Consumer Code: The action resulting from the lack of conformity is prescribed by two years from the delivery of the goods.

Article L 217-16 of the Consumer Code: When the buyer asks the seller, during the course of the commercial guarantee which was granted to him during the acquisition or repair of movable property, a restoration covered by the guarantee, any period of immobilization of at least seven days is added to the duration of the guarantee which remained to run. This period runs from the request for intervention by the buyer or the provision for repair of the property in question, if this provision is subsequent to the request for intervention.

Article 1641 of the Civil Code: The seller is bound by the guarantee on account of the hidden defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which reduce this use so much that the buyer would not have not acquired, or would have given only a lesser price, if he had known them.

Article 1644 of the Civil Code: In the case of articles 1641 et 1643, the buyer has the choice of returning the item and getting the price refunded, or keeping the item and getting part of the price refunded.

Article 1648, paragraph 1, of the Civil Code: The action resulting from redhibitory defects must be brought by the purchaser within two years from the discovery of the defect.

When acting as a legal guarantee of conformity, the Customer:

  • has a period of 2 years from the delivery of the property to act;

  • can choose between repairing or replacing the good, subject to the cost conditions provided for in article L 217-9 of the Consumer Code;

  • is exempted from providing proof of the existence of the lack of conformity of the goods during the 24 months following the delivery of the goods.

When acting as a legal guarantee against hidden defects, the Customer can choose between rescinding the sale or reducing the sale price in accordance with article 1644 of the Civil Code.




In accordance with the provisions of Articles L 221-18 et seq. of the Consumer Code, the Customer may at his discretion waive his order without justifying any reason whatsoever. To do this, he has a right of withdrawal. He can exercise it (or a third party designated by him with the exception of the carrier) within 14 days of receipt of the Product.

Before the expiry of this 14-day period, the Customer must inform LOLIDOU of his decision to withdraw either by sending him the withdrawal form appearing at the bottom of the GCS by cutting it out or in your package, after having duly completed it, or by sending him an email clearly and unambiguously expressing this decision and mentioning the number of his order to:

The Customer must return the Product, at his own expense (unless the product is not compliant or has a manufacturing defect), to LOLIDOU, to the address mentioned on the withdrawal form no later than 14 days following the communication of its decision to withdraw.

LOLIDOU strongly advises its Customers to return the products by Colissimo. The Customer also has the option of choosing the carrier of his choice. It is therefore recommended to provide proof of this return, which assumes that the Products are returned with parcel tracking, or by any other means giving a certain date.

LOLIDOU must reimburse the Customer, including delivery costs, at the latest within 14 days from the date on which LOLIDOU has actually collected the Product or from the date on which the Customer has provided proof of shipment. of the product.

Reimbursement will be made by bank transfer to the card used to pay the initial invoice.

It is not possible to replace or exchange returned products. You will need to place a new order online.

With regard to returns of personalized products: Article L 121-20-2 of the Consumer Code provides that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised for contracts for the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized. However, we undertake to reimburse you for clearly personalized products that do not correspond to your order (defective or non-compliant).



The after-sales services performed by LOLIDOU and not covered by the commercial guarantee are the subject of a contract, a copy of which is given to the Customer.


Claims made under the guarantees must be sent to the after-sales service at the following address:


  • email address:

  • postal address: 26 rue du Port 50760 Barfleur

  • telephone number: 0623304529


Products covered by the guarantees must be returned new, complete and in their original condition and packaging after receipt and confirmation of the claim by the after-sales service. The Customer will be reimbursed for the return postage no later than thirty (30) days following receipt of the product by the Operator.



The contract takes effect as soon as it is concluded and cannot be terminated unilaterally by either party, unless the Customer uses his right of withdrawal under the conditions set out in articles L 221-18 et seq. Consumer Code.




The LOLIDOU Operator is the sole owner of all the elements present on the Site, in particular and without limitation, all texts, files, images, whether animated or not, photographs, videos, logos, drawings, models, software, brands, visual identity, database data, structure of the Site and all other elements of intellectual property and other data or information (hereinafter, the “Elements”) which are protected by French and international laws and regulations relating in particular to intellectual property. They are the exclusive property of LOLIDOU for the entire duration of protection of these rights and for the whole world.


Consequently, none of the Elements of the Site may in whole or in part be modified, reproduced, copied, duplicated, sold, resold, transmitted, published, communicated, distributed, broadcast, represented, stored, used, rented or exploited in any other way. , free of charge or against payment, by a Customer or by a third party, whatever the means and/or media used, whether known or unknown to date, without the prior express written authorization of the Operator on a case-by-case basis, and the Customer is solely responsible for any unauthorized use and/or exploitation.


Some Products have been registered as designs and models and are automatically protected by copyright.

Consequently, any reproduction not authorized by LOLIDOU will be the subject of an infringement liable to legal proceedings.


Furthermore, it is specified that the Operator is not the owner of the content put online by the Customers, for which the latter remain fully responsible and guarantee the Company against any recourse in this respect. Customers grant the Operator a non-exclusive transferable, sub-licensable, free and worldwide license for the use of the intellectual property content they publish on the Site, for the entire duration of protection of this content.



For more information regarding the use of personal data by the Operator, please carefully read the Privacy Policy (the “Charter”). You can consult this Charter at any time on the Site.




The hypertext links available on the Site may refer to third-party sites not published by the LOLIDOU Operator. They are provided solely for the convenience of the Customer, in order to facilitate the use of the resources available on the Internet. If the Customer uses these links, he will leave the Site and will then agree to use the third-party sites at his own risk or, where applicable, in accordance with the conditions which govern them.


The Customer acknowledges that the LOLIDOU Operator does not control or contribute in any way to the development of the conditions of use and/or the content applying to or appearing on these third-party sites.


Consequently, the LOLIDOU Operator cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever because of these hypertext links.


In addition, the Customer acknowledges that the LOLIDOU Operator cannot guarantee, guarantee or take over all or part of the conditions of use and/or the content of these third-party sites.


The Site may also contain promotional hypertext links and/or advertising banners referring to third-party sites not published by the LOLIDOU Operator.


The LOLIDOU Operator invites the Customer to inform him of any hypertext link present on the Site which would allow access to a third party site offering content contrary to the law and/or morality.


The Customer may not use and/or insert a hypertext link pointing to the site without the prior written consent of the Operator on a case-by-case basis.




The Customer authorizes the LOLIDOU Operator to mention the name of the Customer, its logo as a reference in its communication media (brochure, website, commercial proposal, press relations, press release, press kit, internal communication, etc.).






These General Conditions constitute a contract governing the relationship between the Client and the Operator. They constitute all of the rights and obligations of the Company and the Operator relating to their subject. If one or more stipulations of these General Terms and Conditions were declared void pursuant to a law, regulation or following a final decision by a competent court, the other stipulations will retain their full force and scope. In addition, the fact for one of the parties to these General Conditions not to avail itself of a breach by the other party of any of the provisions of these General Conditions cannot be interpreted as a waiver on its part of rely in the future on such a breach.




The Operator reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the content of the Site or the services available there, and/or to temporarily or permanently cease to operate all or part of the Site.


In addition, the Operator reserves the right to modify at any time and without notice the location of the Site on the Internet, as well as these General Conditions. The Customer is therefore required to refer to these General Conditions before any use of the Site.


The Customer acknowledges that the Operator cannot be held responsible in any way whatsoever towards him or any third party as a result of these modifications, suspensions or terminations.


The Operator advises the Customer to save and/or print these General Conditions for safe and lasting storage, and thus be able to invoke them at any time during the performance of the contract if necessary.




In the event of a dispute, you must first contact the company's customer service at the following coordinates: LOLIDOU 26 rue du Port Barfleur (50760).


In the event of failure of the complaint request to customer service, the buyer may resort to conventional mediation, in particular with the Consumer Mediation Commission or with existing sectoral mediation bodies, or any alternative method. dispute resolution (conciliation, for example) in the event of a dispute.

In accordance with consumer law, in the absence of an amicable agreement, all disputes to which the GCS could give rise, concerning its validity, its interpretation, its execution, its termination, their consequences and their consequences will be submitted to the competent court in accordance with the common law rules of jurisdiction.

Withdrawal form (to be cut out)

(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to use your right of withdrawal regarding an order)

To the attention of LOLIDOU  26 rue du Port 50760 Barfleur

I hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of the Product below: ………………………………………………………………

Ordered on(*)/received on(*): …………………………………………………………………

Client name : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Customer's address: ……………………………………………………………………………….………………………

Signature of the Customer (only in the event of notification of this form on paper):

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………..

Date : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………




These General Conditions are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law.




The Customer acknowledges having carefully read these General Conditions.


By registering on the Site, the Customer confirms that he has read the General Conditions and accepts them, making him contractually bound by the terms of these General Conditions.


The General Conditions applicable to the Customer are those available on the date of the order, a copy dated to date of which can be given to the Customer at his request, it is therefore specified that any modification of the General Conditions which would be made by the Operator does not will not apply to any order made previously, except with the express agreement of the Customer at the origin of a given order.

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